Stuck on Christmas gift ideas for kids? Continue reading this article to find a range of cheap and easy ideas!
It’s beginning to look a lot like Christmas. Are you trying to find the best DIY Christmas gifts? Luckily for you, we’ve compiled a list of some DIY cheap and easy Christmas gift ideas for you to make, and save loads on Christmas shopping.
We’ve included those edible goodies and also ones that will last for much longer to come. It’s a win-win! What are you waiting for? Check out some of the best handmade Christmas gifts.
Edible Christmas gifts
Who wouldn’t love a box of cookies as their Christmas gift underneath the Christmas tree?  This is a wonderful DIY Christmas gift that won’t take up a lot of precious time in everyone’s lives! Easy to make and delicious to eat. Yum! We love these sugar cookies that are so easy to make!!
Gifts in a jar
Easy to make and long-lasting. Grab a large coffee jar and fill it with wonderful goodies to make anyone’s stomach full for days. You can also include things like stationary for the new school year, or inspirational quotes, you could even add a coupon card. Pretty much anything that fits in a jar will do fine. Decorate with ribbons and stickers and wrap. This will only take a couple of minutes. Another great Christmas gift idea!
This isn’t exactly an edible Christmas gift, but it could definitely turn into one. Fill a scrapbook with some of the best-tasting recipes that anyone can enjoy. This would be great for those who hardly get to see the amazing chefs in their family. This is a marvelous way for them to still enjoy the food they wish they could always eat. A great handmade Christmas gift.
Ferrero Rocher aquarium
This is a wonderful way to reuse the clear plastic container the ‘Ferrero Rochers’ come in. Fill it with water and add blue food colouring. Then add coloured water to those soy sauce containers that look like fish. I wouldn’t recommend wrapping this gift as it may spill or leak. Keep it in a safe place until Christmas Day, then give your DIY Christmas gift.
Thank you cake
As the end of the school year comes closer and closer, you still might need to find that perfect present for your child’s teacher. A simple yet amazing thing to do would be to get them a cake. And not just any store-bought cake, you can make your own! Find a recipe that suits you and then begin. Use frosting to write your message and then try your hardest not to eat it.
Ice creams
Probably best to not wrap this DIY Christmas present and put it under the tree. But all jokes aside, find an online recipe and make some of the best ice popsicles you’ve ever tasted. This tastes amazing and the reciprocate won’t hesitate to give you one. Ice Cream goodness all around! And, it’s a cheap and easy homemade gift.
Popcorn gifts
This is probably a better gift for your child’s friends at school. Print out a slogan that says something like ‘Just Poppin’ In To Give You This’. Staple this to a packet of popcorn and hand it out to friends. This is best for friends who are movie-a-holics. It’s a great gift either way!
Felt Christmas treat bags
All you need for this project is bright coloured felt, a needle, multi-coloured cotton, ribbon, and lollies to fill. Get the kids to cut out Christmas shapes such as a Santa stocking from the felt and sew the sides together. The rougher the stitches the better to show it’s handmade and a little bit rustic. Make sure you leave an opening at the top so you can add lollies. If using as an ornament add a ribbon loop at the top and sew on. You might also wish to add glitter, sequins and other embellishments to personalise.
Best DIY Christmas Gifts
Watercolour motivation quotes
This is an awesome handmade gift to give to anyone for Christmas. Find a blank canvas and some dry paint. Dip a paintbrush into clear water and select the colour. Paint a pattern with all colours you would like on your painting. Then add your motivational quote to the image. If you’re an artist at heart, then I’d recommend not using warm and cold colours together. If you paint a warm background, use a cold colour to paint the quote.
Recycled paper letter art
This would be an amazing gift to give to anyone who loves art. Find a letter that says the first word of the name of the person who you would like to give the present to. Find some old newspaper and glue it onto the letter. Then once your letter is covered, paint it with some colours and wrap it. Place it under the Christmas tree and wait until that lovely day arrives.
Bath bomb in a jar
Sticking with the gifts in a jar theme, find an easy way to make bath bombs, put them into a wrapper, and put them in your jar. You could put as many or as little as you want. You could even fill some of the centres with a fun waterproof gift. Bathtime has never been so fun! Enjoy the satisfaction of the water changing colour, and the looks on your child’s face.
Photo letter art
Instead of using newspaper or any other recycled paper, use images of the reciprocate. This will bring back wonderful memories of the great times had, and it won’t take up a lot of space. Anyone would think this is one of the best DIY Christmas gifts ever!
Gift cards
This is one of the best ways to give, or for someone to receive a gift card. Simply find an item that relates to the product (a Starbucks coupon would mean Starbucks cup). Fill the item with something to eat. And then hide the gift card inside it! An amazing thing for someone to find whilst rummaging through their chocolates.
Bathroom supplies bundle
Another simple yet amazing DIY Christmas gift to give to someone would be a bundle of bathroom supplies. Find a basket and fill it with goodies like shampoo, conditioner, bath bombs, toothbrushes, combs, hair brushes, and many more bathroom utensils. People who travel a lot could definitely use these!
Christmas snow globes
A DIY Christmas Snow globe can be a beautiful and mesmerising Christmas decoration loved for hundreds of years. We show you how you can get crafty with the kids and make your own here.
Thank you
Thank you for reading. I hope that you found some of the best DIY Christmas gifts. It’s always great to find some cheap and easy Christmas gifts. If you know any more Christmas present ideas, feel free to leave any suggestions in the comment section below.
Looking for more Christmas gift information?
Why not make your gift at Plaster Fun House?
Read about the unsafe Christmas toys that have made the Office of Fair Trading Naughty List this year.
Check out our list of Christmas Markets Brisbane here. The best spots to find unique gifts!
Print out free Christmas tags here for your Christmas gifts!
Have a very Merry Christmas and a wonderful New Year!