Are you looking for information about Queen of the Apostles School in Stafford? We have summarised the facts to help you start your research into this great school.
Number of students at Queen of Apostles School
Queen of Apostles School caters to approximately 520 students.
Kind of school
Queen of Apostles School is a Catholic primary school offering education across two campuses. The Chuter Street Early Years Campus serves students from Prep to Year 2, while the Thuruna Street Campus caters to Years 3-6. The school is committed to providing a quality, inclusive Catholic education and maintains a strong connection with the parish priest and parish community.
Why choose Queen of Apostles School?
Queen of Apostles School provides a nurturing environment with a focus on Christian values such as respect, honesty, tolerance, and cooperation. The school’s motto, “Growing in Faith and Love,” reflects its commitment to holistic education and community involvement, following the traditions established by the Sisters of the Holy Family of Nazareth.
The school encourages students to actively participate in school life and develop a genuine concern for others. It fosters a partnership between the school and home, promoting open communication with parents and inviting their active involvement in various school activities. Parents can contribute through classroom assistance, tuckshop, working bees, and P&F activities.
Curriculum and extracurricular activities offered
Queen of Apostles School follows a comprehensive curriculum and offers a range of extracurricular activities. Students in Years 1-3 participate in swimming lessons with accredited coaches during Terms 1 and 4 at Stafford Heights State School and Somerset Hills State School pools. Prep students have swimming lessons only in Term 4. Year 4-6 students alternate between swimming lessons and dance lessons in Terms 1 and 4.
The school participates in interschool athletics and swimming competitions. Students in Years 4-6 can also engage in netball, touch football, AFL, and rugby league competitions during Term 2.
Queen of Apostles offers an Instrument/Strings Music program for students in Years 2 to 6. Small group lessons occur during school hours on a rotational timetable, with students joining the school band and ensemble. Instruments can be provided by parents or rented from a local company.
Additionally, Japanese language classes are available to students in Years 4, 5, and 6.
Overall, Queen of Apostles School in Stafford provides a rich educational experience rooted in Catholic values, supported by a range of academic and extracurricular opportunities that foster student growth and community involvement.
Website: You can visit the school website here.
Address: 10 Thuruna St, Stafford QLD Australia
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