Sometimes you just need some ideas of fun things to do with kids at home… Going out with kids isn’t always an option, particularly when you have a few kids to entertain and you are on a tight budget, the best thing you can do is stay at home and entertain them inside or in the backyard. So, we’ve come up with 7 fun things to do at home with kids – these activities are fun, engaging and low or no cost.
1. Science Experiments
Science experiments, at home, don’t need to be the kind where you blow things up or dissolve anyone’s toys… our favourites are walking water and these three experiments that involve growing things in stockings! For real!
2. Build an Easy Tree House
Don’t be put off by the vast and complicated array of tree houses on Pinterest or Google. You can build a simple tree house and have just and much fun and if the kids make it themselves or with you, they are much more likely to fall in love with it and spend more time in it. With summer time and school holidays just around the corner, you might be dreading the sibling squabble and the excess screen time. Avoid that by making something that will take minutes and leave you with hours of peace!
3. Make a Magic Potion
Did you know that your back yard garden is a treasure trove of magical ingredients that can be used to create potions and elixirs to attract good fairies and repel any bad guys such as spriggans, vampires and goblins? Find our how to safely make magic potions with your kids!
4. Top 10 Water Activities for Kids
Kids love to play in water. It’s not only fun and great way to keep cool in summer but it’s also a great sensory play activity helping to stimulate and strengthen growing brains and senses. Forget the expensive plastic water play tables and check out our top 10 water activities for kids this summer.
5. Build a Fairy Garden… or a Scary Spider Terrarium
Getting your kids out into the garden is a great way to limit screen time, keep them active and help them understand the importance of having a connection with the natural world. Find out how to build a cute fairy garden or a spider terrarium and have fun with your kids at home.
6. Craft with Kids – Wool Wrapped Ornaments
This is a fun, crafty activity that any kid can participate in. You can make ornaments of any shape and size and hang them around the house, or even on the trees outside to create a festive look for your garden.
7. School Holiday Ideas … in a Jar
Spend some time during the week before the school holidays creating this awesome school holiday ideas jar with the kids input to keep them focused on a great school holiday period. If you include the kids in the creation and ideas in the jar it will hopefully mean that they are keen to do the activities during the holidays (and will behave appropriately!) This is a really easy activity, and involving the kids means you can include ‘rewards’ for really good behaviour.