When the school holidays roll around again don’t fret about what you can do or where you can take the kids. Spend some time during the week before the school holidays creating this awesome school holiday ideas jar with the kids input to keep them focused on a great school holiday period. If you include the kids in the creation and ideas it will hopefully mean that they are keen to do the activities during the holidays (and will behave appropriately!)
This is a really easy activity, and involving the kids means you can include ‘rewards’ for really good behaviour.
Things you will need:
- A jar
- Blank paper
- Decorative paper
- Pens
- Scissors
- Sticktape
How to make the Jar:
You can put as much effort into decorating the jar as you have the energy for! We used decorative paper from the present wrapping cupboard and felt pens. Then all you need to do is fill the jar with ideas of activities to keep the little ones out of mischief! We didn’t bother with a lid, but you can if you think you need to. Make sure the activities you write down are ones you are happy to follow through with!
Some ideas to put in the jar:
- Walk to the park
- Wash the car
- Baking
- PJ’s day
- Movie night
- Cubby house day
- Make playdough
- Go to the beach
- Make a book
- Take a ride on the train
- Challenge yourselves to whisper for 1 hour, 2 hours, the whole day?
- Make your own juice and freeze
Your children will enjoy helping you come up with ideas too.
Find More School Holiday Ideas
The Complete Guide to School Holiday Activities
Fancy some FREE outings – click here for the Northside and
here for the Southside.
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