Toddlers are the kings and queens of movin’ and shakin’ so there is no better a time to get them involved in the great world of toddler friendly sports.
Here we have listed 7 totally toddler friendly sports in Brisbane for you and your blossoming family to start this summer. Playing sports gives toddlers the perfect opportunity to learn the rules of communication; build those gross motor skills and have fun. They will also benefit from working as a team, honing their listening skills, building concentration and using their determination to reach goals. Sporting opportunity abounds for toddlers in Brisbane, so brush off those running shoes – there’s a new kid in town!
Ready Steady Go Kids
Teaching multiple sports Ready Steady Go Kids is a great way to get the littlest members of your family involved. There are 8 locations from the Gold Coast to the Sunshine Coast teaching athletics, basketball, golf, rugby, T-ball, soccer, tennis, hockey, AFL and cricket in 2 week blocks over the course of at least 2 terms. If you have a child aged between 2 ½ to 6 years they will definitely benefit from the physio-designed program. With Ready Steady Go Kids the focus is on teaching the fundamentals of sports non-competitively, providing a supportive environment for kids to develop their motor skills, coordination and have fun.
Little Kickers
With locations all over Brisbane and into Ipswich, Little Kickers caters for children aged 1 ½ to 7 years. Toddlers can start their soccer journey at any time throughout the year with ‘Little Kicks’ for those aged between 1 ½ – 2 years, or ‘Junior Kickers’ for those between 2 to 3 ½ years, later progressing into the ‘Mighty’ or ‘Mega Kickers’ class. Little Kickers philosophy is to ‘play not push,’ giving children opportunities to get enthusiastic about sports and have fun learning along the way.
YMCA Gymnastics
Brisbane YMCAs provide classes for your budding gymnasts to be started from the moment they can walk. Your children can partake in Tumble Tots between the ages of 10-24 months, Gym Tots at 2-4 years old, and Mini Gym at 4-5 years old. Gymnastics teaches children many skills including visual tracking, spatial awareness and coordination. Lessons are structured so as to keep your little one enthused but not over-stimulated. As your toddler grows they will be able to extend their abilities and learn to focus, becoming socially competent and increasingly body aware. Gymnastics at YMCAs around Brisbane can be found at Acacia Ridge, Caloundra, Bowen Hills, Enoggera, Jamboree Heights and Victoria Point.
Swim Australia
Not only fun but a life saver, the ability to swim is an essential skill for every Australian- especially our youngest members. Swim Australia has set high standards, so you can be certain that accredited swim schools will be providing your toddler with the best care and instruction possible. Shapland Swim Schools are a great example providing lessons with a maximum of 3 kids per class. There are 14 Shapland locations from the Gold Coast to the Sunshine Coast catering for all ages in enclosed, heated pools. Parents can enjoy watching their child’s water confidence grow from the viewing deck as they learn from industry qualified instructors.
Tiny Tutu’s
Tiny Tutu’s teaches children from 16 months to 5 years the basics of classical ballet and jazz. The lessons will build your child’s musical appreciation, rhythm and knowledge of dance movements essential to any ballerina using props and dramatization. Tiny Tutu’s approach is to build confidence and self-esteem in the next generation by helping them find the magic in movement. Lessons are tailored in 4 levels starting with Teeny Tiny Tutu’s with the additional option of Tutu Jazz classes once they reach the age of 3. Brisbane hosts Tiny Tutu’s across 7 locations so if you have a blossoming ballerina book in for 2016.
Queensland Tennis Centre
The Queensland Tennis Centre coaches children from 3 years of age in Tennyson, Brisbane. Enrolling your child in the Mini’s program will ensure your child refines their motor skills using games and challenge activities as part of a small team, aimed at providing more one on one support. Through the process of tennis they will build an awareness of balance, movement and coordination skills necessary to play any sport. The centre also provides court hire, private coaching/lessons and holiday programs for your young enthusiast.
Brisbane Martial Arts
Martial Arts training is not only a fun way to learn self-defence, it helps young children develop early confidence. At Brisbane Martial Arts located in Kelvin Grove children from 3-6 years can sign up to the Little Samurai Program, teaching Taekwondo in a challenging yet safe environment. Aside from the physical skills your child will build a sense of resilience, determination and the ability to read another person’s body language. Classes are levelled to ensure students’ progress when ready so sign up and get your child started!