Lourdes Hill College
Why Choose Lourdes Hill College in Hawthorne
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Lourdes Hill College is a Secondary Catholic Girl’s College in Hawthorne. This school features a new state of the art science and drama block and Middle School Block. Lourdes Hill has also just completed a senior hub to get the girls learning more independently so when they move on to university they’re more ready.
With it’s own boat house just down on the river, Lourdes Hill provides opportunities for students to go sailing, kayaking and rowing.
The school also features a new stellar sport centre on Virginia Avenue as well as multi courts, a Gym and a swimming pool on site.
As part of it’s new look, Lourdes Hill features a brand new 450 seat auditorium which houses a lower and upper section.
The school also features the revolutionary schooling process which includes a middle school section for years 7-9. This allows for a smooth transition process between  primary and secondary. Middle school students have their own area to learn and grow before they become seniors.
What are the sporting/extra-curricular options at Lourdes Hill College?
Lourdes Hill provides a huge selection of extra-curricular options including:
Rowing, sailing and kayaking thanks to the school’s access to river networks.
A variety of arts including drama, photography, public speaking and music (choir, chamber singers, concert band, string ensemble, flute and clarinet ensembles, brass ensemble, vocal groups).
Competitive sports including athletics, cross country, AFL, basketball, hockey, netball, rowing, soccer, swimming, tennis, touch football, volleyball and alternative Sports including aerobics, dance and hip-hop.
The school has it’s own competitive debating teams for students to join.
The school also hosts the Duke of Edinburgh which involves bushwalks and learning how to survive in the wild.
Lourde Hills also prides itself on its humanitarian and volunteering services which it’s students can partake in. These include Rosies, St Vincent de Paul, L’arche (disability group), Homeless outreach (breakfasts and serve dinner), Human rights group, PAW – promoting animal welfare, SParc Students Protecting and Restoring Creation, STAR – Santa Teresa and Reconciliation (indigenous).
What are the public transport options to Lourdes Hill College?
Lourdes Hill offers students a school bus to travel to and from school. The school is also close to public bus stops and Ormiston train station.
What are the school fees per term?
School fees for Lourdes Hill range from $1000-$5000 per term.
What are the boarding options at Lourdes Hill College?
There are no boarding options for Lourdes Hill College.
Does Lourdes Hill College offer scholarships and how do we apply?
The school does not have specific scholarships, however indigenous students can apply for money from the Stolen Generations fund.
For Brisbane School Open Days – click here
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I’m looking to sent my daughter to Lourdes Hill next year. She is very interested in debating and I am interested in contacting the co-coordinator debating to ask some questions, please. This would be of great help.
Thank you,
Jack Jacobson.