Why Should MY Kids go to an After School Tutor in Brisbane?
Find out what happens when your child attends an assessment at a Kip McGrath Centre in Brisbane – one of the best tutors in Brisbane. How they can help YOUR child and how you can find a good tutor in Brisbane.
We’ve been reading a lot lately about NAPLAN and after school tutoring and academic success and it has occurred to me that, as a parent and a teacher, I really didn’t know much about tutors in Brisbane; what they did and didn’t do and whether or not they would be appropriate for our family. So when we were given the chance to attend an ‘educational assessment’ at Kip McGrath last week, I leapt at the chance. Not only would I be able to find out about tutors in Brisbane and learn more about Master 7’s learning and development but I would also be able to pass on this information to our Families Magazine – Brisbane readers and our Facebook followers.
We arranged to do our assessment on a Friday, after school. Upon reflection, I am not sure that this time would suit everyone, including the child. At the end of the week, I know I am tired, so perhaps if you are looking into this, I would recommend early in the week – and preferably not after school if avoidable? School holidays are coming up…
We visited the centre and after a quick snack (sushi and some water) Master 7 got to go into the teaching room. What I immediately liked about the Kip McGraths centres is that they are all ‘fit for purpose’. All the Brisbane centres are in a designated shop/office block and are there full time. They use purpose designed, professional premises – personally I like that!
Once in the teaching/learning room (I waited outside in the waiting room) Master 7 was asked a series of questions: Name, Age, Date of Birth, Address.
What I also learned about Kip McGrath centres is that their teachers are university trained, mostly with degrees in Education… university trained professionals with further specialised Kip McGrath ‘tutor’ training and all have a passion for teaching and learning. They have a genuine awareness and understanding of the curriculum that students are learning and they know how to teach it. They also are trained in motivational techniques and know the best ways to get children of varying abilities to engage and learn!
What happens at a Kip McGrath Educational Assessment?
As well as being asked for his basic details, Master 7 answered questions relating to:
- reading
- comprehension
- spelling
- maths – verbal and written
These were a series of short ‘tests’. Some of these involved the teacher asking him the questions, some involved him reading and writing his answers down. Each set of questions were around 10 – 15 minutes. The whole series of activities took around 50 minutes, in our case. What I noticed is that the teacher would go on to a harder set of questions if she noticed that he was successful at the first set of questions.
The short tests are designed to check to see if students are working ‘below’, ‘at’ or ‘above’ grade level. They also test to see what ‘concepts’ are understood and which are not understood. Because the Kip McGrath teacher is a qualified teacher, they can identify areas of strengths and weakness including gaps in learning. They are also able to start to identify special learning needs.
After the short tests, I was called back in and we discussed the test and the results. Afterwards Master 7 said ‘it was fun’.
The teacher also sent me an email with his results on the following Monday – including her recommendations.
Below is the email (with my son’s details/results omitted for privacy) with the summary of the assessment. The results are given in either ‘age level’ or % correct or marks out of the total. What I love, love, LOVE about the results and the subsequent ‘recommendations’ is in the last two sentences. I put them in red below, because, to me, this shows that this teacher is genuinely supporting the best interests of my son… not the best interest of her pocket! The mark of a truly wonderful teacher!
‘Hi Janine,
Please find the results of the assessment for (Master 7) from Friday:
Age: 7 years 9 months
Grade: Grade 3 (Term 1 Week 5)
His reading age is: x years x months
His reading comprehension age is: x years x months
Spelling Grade: Grade 3 (xx% correct) Grade 4 (xx% correct)
Maths: End Of Grade 3 test – xx/15 marks.
Areas to develop: fractions, times tables, measurement facts, multiplying by factors of 10
(Master 7’s) xxx’s results clearly show that he does not need tuition for remedial purposes. With a few areas of maths to consolidate and his advanced reading and comprehension, if he were to enrol he would be on an extension program at a Kip McGrath centre. He would be doing extension mathematics and problems, and our intelligence development program. I suggest that you keep doing what are doing with him – providing him with lots of stimulating activities outside of school and advocating for him at school. If you (and he) feel that he needs the additional intellectual stimulus (now, or a later point) I would love to hear from you.’
This kind of assessment and feedback can really pinpoint the areas needed for development and where a child’s strengths are. It can give parents further information about their child’s learning and help them advocate for their child at school.
The Kip McGrath programme is designed and tailored to suit the individual learner, from the minute they begin attending… and this assessment is essential to ensure that their course of study reflects their individual needs. Lessons are $55 per session and you can pay for the lessons weekly, fortnightly or monthly in advance; whatever best suits your budgetting style. Each group has 3 – 5 children and tutors work one on one with each child, not ‘whole group’ tutoring. Each session is 80 minutes in duration.
You can book your FREE assessment at a centre near you by clicking here.
Lastly, if you are a teacher or partnered with a teacher and love teaching and learning, you may like to consider buying a franchise and supporting children’s and adult learning in Brisbane too!
Kip McGrath Albany Creek invites you to learn more here.