Has Mitchelton State School made it onto your family’s list of possible primary schools? Here’s what you need to know about this educational institution in Brisbane’s North West.
Number of Students:
Why choose Mitchelton State School?
Mitchelton State School is an Independent Public School committed to developing lifelong learners. The school’s academic program helps children enhance their higher order thinking skills while developing a broad base of knowledge.
Sporting, cultural, service and personal development programs complement the academic curriculum, and encourage students to discover and reach their potential. These programs not only support learning, but also develop socialisation skills and create happy and enjoyable experiences and memories for students.
What curriculum and extra-curricular offerings are there at Mitchelton State School?
Mitchelton’s curriculum covers English, Mathematics, Science, History, Technology, Studies of Society and Environment (SOSE), the Arts, Health and Physical Education and Japanese (Languages Other Than English – LOTE).
Sporting activities are an integral part of the school week. Students learn to swim at the school’s pool during Terms 1 and 4. In Term 2, a cross country event is held, with students competing in age categories for selection to the North West District Cross Country Trials.
A Junior Sports Carnival, with rotational activities is held from Prep to Year 2 students. Students in Years 3-6 compete in an Athletics Carnival in Term 3, with an opportunity to be selected for District competition.
Mitchelton State School has extensive music offerings. There are three choirs – the Junior Choir (Years 2-4), Senior Choir (Years 5-6) and Boys Choir (Years 2-6). The choir’s tour retirement homes or child care centres in nearby suburbs, performing music they’ve learnt during the year. This helps develop confidence, discipline and tolerance.
The school has an Instrumental Music Program for Strings, Woodwind, Brass and Percussion. Students in Years 4-6 can receive free tuition in saxophone, clarinet, flute, trumpet, trombone, French horn, glockenspiel, drums and other percussion instruments. Students can also take part in the school band program which includes a beginner music camp, advanced music camp and tour. The band, string orchestra and choirs perform at the Books Art and Music (BAM) Festival each August. Mitchelton School also has a Grandparent concert in Term 2 each year in which every child, from Prep to Year 6, performs along with the school’s three choirs.
Other activities students can take part in include Book Week, the Brisbane Writers’ Festival, Reader’s Cup and the Gaythorne RSL Sub-Branch ANZAC Day Writers’ Competition. Students can also be Library Monitors, or become members of the Robotics Club, Science Club and SC@Min Space Astronomy Club. The school also has a Fancy Dress Ball.
Anything more on the facilities at Mitchelton State School?
Mitchelton State School has a 25m heated swimming pool with covered grandstands and two full size tennis courts.
Website: https://mitcheltonss.eq.edu.au/
Address: 47 Glen Retreat Road, Mitchelton Queensland Australia