Number of Students: 842
Why choose Bray Park State High School?
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Bray Park State High School, positioned 25 minutes north of Brisbane’s CBD, is one of only 20 (as of 2013) state high schools in Queensland that offers enrolments to Year 7 students, as part of the Flying Start Pilot Program. Specialist school staff continue to work with students in the transition between primary and secondary education.
Bray Park State High School works with all phases of schooling, both junior and secondary, to encourage students to achieve their best, which inevitably leads them onto a successful career pathway.
Additional activities offered:
Senior students in Years 10, 11 & 12 are offered VET (Nationally Certificates I and II) in Automotive, Furniture Making, Engineering and Manufacturing, Hospitality, Community Activities, Technologies including Business and IT and Visual Art.
Students are also offered the chance to take part in TAFE subjects up to Certificate III as well as University Start up Programs.
Seniors are also offered a broad range of Authority subjects including extensions in English and Music. Talented students can achieve curriculum enhancement through the school’s Instrumental Music Program and the Sporting Development Squad.
Instrumental music performances take place at the Jazz Festival at Noosa, showcase, fanfare, primary school visits, tours and competitions.
The sporting development squad consists of 24 students that engage in a variety of activities including sports competitions.
Other extra-curriculum activities include school social events, academic competitions, soul singers, involvement in council run events, teambuilding and leadership camps and overnight curriculum camps.

Facilities at Bray Park State High School:
to be completed
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