Looking for kids tennis lessons?
Tennis is a fun game to keep your child fit and active, develop strength and coordination and build strong focus and concentration. Children as young as three can begin tennis lessons and it’s a game that can be played socially and competitively for life.
Kids in Brisbane can enrol in tennis at any time of the year with tennis centres offering coaching for all ages and levels of ability on a variety of hard, grass and synthetic courts, with some centres also offering school holiday tennis camps and private lessons. Scroll down for our handy alphabetical guide to Brisbane Tennis Centres and see our map to help you locate your nearest centre or club for junior tennis.
But first, what programs are on offer?
Hot Shots Minis is a program for children aged 3-5 years, designed to enhance a child’s fundamental motor skills. With parent participation, kids learn skills to develop balance, movement tracking, catching and striking before moving onto the Hot Shots Kids Tennis Program.
The Hot Shots Kids program introduces tennis skills to children aged 4-6 years and helps them develop social and interactive skills too. Children in the program will learn the tennis basics of serving and scoring. Parents are not required to participate.
The colour-coded squads build on your child’s learning and development to progress them through the tennis programs offered.
Red Squad is for children 5-7 years old, played on a small court, and introduces the technicalities of the game.
Orange Squad, for children aged 7-9 years, helps children learn to anticipate the game and develop greater control.
Green Squad, for children over 9 years, helps your child develop game strategies and builds on their decision making abilities.
Teen Squad (12-18 years) is for players both with limited experience and those aiming to be a competitive player. Players play in singles and doubles tennis games.
Squads also offer competitive matches for anyone who wants to gain more tennis experience.
Ace Tennis Australia Pty Ltd
WHAT: Hot Shots; junior coaching; private lessons.
WHEN: Term times, contact for program details.
WHERE: St Peter’s College, Lambert Road, INDOOROOPILLY
CONTACT: 0419 436 039
WHERE: St Peter’s College, Education City Drive, SPRINGFIELD; Chapel Hill State School, Ironbark Road, CHAPEL HILL; Toowong State School, Sylvan Road, TOOWONG; Little Cribb Street, MILTON
CONTACT: 3103 8672
WEBSITE: kpstc.org
Aspire Tennis Australia
WHAT: Hot Shots, Squad groups, private lessons
WHEN: Term time, see website for details.
WHERE: 1 Tournament Drive, BROOKWATER; Springfield Lakes Blvd, SPRINGFIELD; 65 Stuart Street, GOODNA
CONTACT: 0450 622 307; info@aspiretennis.net
WEBSITE: aspiretennis.net
Club Coops
WHAT: Offering 3 stages of junior tennis development including Hot Shots, Coops Advanced Training and Coops Elite Training.
WHEN: Contact for details.
CONTACT: 3263 5233; information@clubcoops.com.au
WEBSITE: clubcoops.com.au
Ipswich District Junior Tennis Association
WHAT: A centre run by volunteers providing low cost tennis for all to enjoy at their own pace.
WHEN: Contact for details.
WHERE: Queens Park, Cnr Chermside Road and Brisbane Street, IPSWICH
CONTACT: 0430 507 616; idjta@bigpond.com
WEBSITE: idjta.net
Lifetime Tennis
WHAT: After school tennis programs for kids aged 5 to 11, in 7-8 week lesson blocks (Join anytime and payments will be pro-ratered).
WHEN: All year round, plus camps.
WHERE: Ambiwerra Centre, St Aidan’s Sports Grounds, Cnr Erinvale and Rolfe Streets, CORINDA; Gregory Tennis Centre, 400 Gregory Terrace, SPRING HILL; Nudgee College, BOONDALL
CONTACT: 3716 0077 (Corinda and Spring Hill); 3261 7777 (Boondall)
WEBSITE: lifetimetennis.com.au
Malpass Tennis Coaching (Churchie)
WHAT: Hot Shots programs; junior squads; private lessons.
WHEN: Contact for details.
WHERE: Heath Park, EAST BRISBANE and Colina Street, WYNNUM
CONTACT: 0412 615 117; info@malpasstenniscoaching.com.au
WEBSITE: malpasstenniscoaching.com.au
Matchpoint Tennis
WHAT: Hot Shots and school holiday camps.
WHEN: See website for details.
CONTACT: 0422 859 565; info@matchpoint.net.au
WEBSITE: matchpoint.net.au
Morningside Tennis Centre
WHAT: Hot Shots Coaching for all ages and skill levels; hot shots leagues; development programs, school holiday programs and private coaching. Coaching for players from 3 years of age.
WHEN: Contact club for programming.
WHERE: 123 Beverley Street, MORNINGSIDE
CONTACT: 3899 8110; morningside@tennisgear.com.au
WEBSITE: morningsidetennis.com.au
Park Ridge Tennis Centre
WHAT: Wilson Peewee classes for 4-7 year olds, Hot Shots, advanced squads, private or group lessons. Free trials available.
WHEN: Available day and night, contact for details.
WHERE: 130 Stoney Camp Road, PARK RIDGE
CONTACT: 3200 0354; parkridgetennis@hotmail.com.au
WEBSITE: parkridgetennis.com.au
Pure Tennis Academy (Griffith University)
WHAT: A world-class tennis centre offering modified ‘Mini Tennis” for 3-12 year old novices; junior tennis development programs; school holiday programs; private lessons.
WHEN: Weekday afternoons and Saturday mornings. See website for program schedules.
WHERE: Griffith University Tennis Centre, Sports Road, MOUNT GRAVATT
CONTACT: 3735 1177; tennis-group@griffith.edu.au
WEBSITE: Griffith.edu.au/tennis
Queensland Tennis Centre
WHAT: Hot Shots Minis; Hot Shots Kids; Hot Shots Red, Orange and Green Squads; Teen Squad; school holiday programs and private coaching. Hard, grass and clay courts available.
WHEN: Weekday afternoons and Saturday mornings depending on class. Term times plus holiday programs.
WHERE: 190 King Arthur Terrace, TENNYSON
CONTACT: 3214 3800
WEBSITE: queenslandtenniscentre.com.au
Redcliffe Tennis Centre
WHAT: Beginner Red, Advanced Red, Intermediate Orange, Advanced Green and Pro Yellow squads, school holiday programs and private coaching.
WHEN: Weekday afternoons/evenings and Saturday mornings depending on class. Term times plus holiday programs.
WHERE: Cnr Oxley Avenue & Portwood Street, REDCLIFFE
CONTACT: 3284 2349; info@focustennisacademy.com.au
WEBSITE: focustennisacademy.com.au
Redland Bay Tennis Club Inc.
WHAT: Hot Shots from ages 3 to 17; junior squad tennis, private coaching, holiday clinics.
WHEN: Contact for programs.
WHERE: 59A Boundary Street, REDLAND BAY
CONTACT: 3829 1383; 0408 722 620; info@baysidetenniscoaching.com.au
WEBSITE: rbtc.com.au
Redlands Lawn Tennis Association Inc.
WHAT: Junior squad training and tennis development; private tennis lessons and small group coaching.
WHEN: Contact for details.
WHERE: Cnr Smith and Long Street, CLEVELAND
CONTACT: 3821 0337; info@rlta.org.au
WEBSITE: rlta.org.au
Roy Emerson Tennis Centre
WHAT: Junior coaching, Hot Shots (colours) Leagues, Superleague, school holiday programs and private coaching.
WHEN: Program varies, see website for details.
WHERE: 315 Milton Road, MILTON
CONTACT: 3367 8585; emerson@tennisgear.com.au
WEBSITE: emersontennis.com.au
Sandgate Tennis
WHAT: Hot Shots, Squads and private lessons
WHEN: Hot Shots on Wednesday evenings, contact for squad details
WHERE: 83 Board Street, DEAGON
CONTACT: 3269 7783; via website form
WEBSITE: sandgatetennis.com.au
Shaw Park Tennis Centre
WHAT: Junior coaching in Hot Shots, development squads, private lessons and school holiday programs.
WHEN: 6 days per week, see website for programs and class schedules.
CONTACT: 3266 1660; shawpark@tennisgear.com.au
WEBSITE: shawparktennis.com.au
Sheldon Tennis Centre
WHAT: Programs and coaching from 5 years old, with invitation only elite excellence programs and private lessons.
WHEN: Contact for details.
WHERE: 29 Duncan Road, SHELDON
CONTACT: 3206 1938
WEBSITE: sheldontennis.com.au
Slice Tennis
WHAT: Hot Shots, Squads, private lessons, school holiday clinics.
WHEN: Weekday afternoons and evenings.
WHERE: Marcellin Centre, 340 South Pine Road, ENOGGERA
CONTACT: 0416 420 255 or via website form.
WEBSITE: slicetennis.com.au
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