Craigslea State High School aims for all students to leave Year 12 with confidence, self-direction and knowledge to become active citizens in a global society, thus shape the community, economic and political life.
Number of Students: 897
Why Choose Craigslea State High School?
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The school’s motto is ‘striving for excellence’ in all aspects of school life, doing so with compassion and tolerance of other cultures at home and overseas.
Communication is the key at Craigslea State High School, with all aspects of school life developed through consultation with parents, students, teachers and community members.
Additional activities offered:
A broad range of curriculum and extra-curricular programs and activities are offered to Craigslea State High School students both in the classroom and beyond:
Students are offered camps and excursions including science field work at Lady Elliot Island.
The school’s instrumental program has seven ensembles. Musical performances by the school’s ensembles take place at school events and local and national competitions. The music program tours take place inter-state or internationally.
Craigslea Volleyball Academy (CVA) is seen as one of Australia’s premier Volleyball Schools and has attained receiving national recognition in the sport. Volleyball is open to all year level students, incorporated into the school’s curriculum for those that choose to study the sport. Beach Volleyball is also facilitated.
A school theatre production includes over one hundred and fifty students each year, including year 6 and 7 students from the school’s sister primary school.
A committee of students are involved in the School Representative Council, which represents the school student community through liaison with the staff and Administration.
Other charitable activities the school community supports and is involved with include: Amnesty International, Anzac Day Ceremony, Harmony Day, International Women’s Day, Charity Day Stalls, Multi- Cultural Concert, Shave for a Cure and more.
Facilities at Craigslea State High School:
Craigslea State High School is positioned on 10 hectares, and is well-equipped in all teaching areas.
Sporting facilities include beach and indoor volleyball courts, netball, tennis and basketball courts, swimming pool, cricket nets, gymnasium and sporting fields.
Refurbished Science laboratories, a Mathematics building, and new Science and Technology facility, purpose built Arts performance spaces, an auditorium and hall all make up the school’s facilities.
Year 7 and 8 areas includes an expansive outdoor shaded seating area, developed using the School Master Plan which will be used to direct future development.
Other info about Craigslea State High School:
Craigslea State High School delivers and assesses Certificate I and Certificate II qualifications as a Registered Training Organisation (RTO. Additionally, the school is engaged in partnerships with other RTOs to deliver and assess Vocational Education and Training (VET) qualifications to students.
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