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Babymoon Tips | Travelling while pregnant? Here’s what you need to know.

Think of it as ‘one last hurrah’. They’re becoming more and more popular so we’ve put together the best babymoon tips for the soon-to-be-parents!

Babymoon Tips | A Way To Celebrate A Life Change

Babymoons are becoming more and more popular. Many hotels and resorts are now selling ‘babymoon packages’ and this hybrid word seems to have really made a mark on the parenting scene.

Put basically, a babymoon is a celebration of the changing life stage you’re about to go through. Some people would view it as ‘make the most of the sleep ins while you’re still able to have them!’. We think a more positive spin is to view this little holiday as a celebration of moving from what your life was before to what it will become once little people join your household. (Plus who’s going to say no to lounging around next to a swimming pool or beach?!)

If you’re traveling far or just staying in a nearby hotel, there are still a few babymoon tips that are handy to have in your (rapidly expanding) back pocket.

babymoon tips marriott

Psssst… if that looks enticing, you can find out all about in our Surfers Paradise Marriott Resort and Spa review

Babymoon Tips #1: Traveling

There is always an element of risk involved when it comes to any travel so that needs to be taken into account for traveling when pregnant.

Speak with your doctor and check airline policy. You are not cleared to fly in later stages of your pregnancy. If you’re not at the end of your pregnancy, you still may require medical clearance to fly and you will need to have that documentation on you.

Consider the impact a long-haul flight might have on you physically when planning your journey. Traveling a large distance may also put you further away from medical care which may trouble some expectant parents.

There’s no right or wrong answer here. It’s all about doing what you feel comfortable with and following medical advice.

Babymoon Tips #2: Spas and Saunas

Holidays are all about spas and saunas, right? However, there are some medical risks associated with taking part while pregnant.

Please seek professional medical advice if you are considering taking a hot spa bath. It DOES seem like a cruel thing to say to someone who is just aching to relax their tired joints but it’s better to be safe than sorry.

Babymoon Tips #3: Food and Drink

If your babymoon is taking you to a place where the water can be problematic for tourists, you may want to consider the impact that will have on food and drink. Staying in a resort or hotel, drinking only bottled or purified water and taking a lot of caution around hand-washing and hygiene is very much advised.

Babymoon Tips #4: Let’s get physical!

What’s your destination like? What will you be expected to do physically? What are you capable of and what are you WANTING to do? If you’re a super fit mama-to-be then long walks on the beach and pregnancy yoga might be right up your alley. If you’re NOT feeling fit and fabulous, though, then that probably sounds like your worst nightmare!

babymoon tips freeloaders

Babymoon Tips #5: The freeloaders

If you’re planning a babymoon and you’ve already got older kids – good for you! A little mini-break to celebrate your family’s impending change in status sounds like just what you need.

Consider, though, that often going on a holiday with kids isn’t exactly… relaxing. Choose your destination accordingly. Family friendly resorts and hotels offer great activities to keep little ones amused and allow mama plenty of time to relax and refresh. Maybe something a little different, like a farmstay, would be a good idea.


Preparing for a new addition, whether you’ve done it before or you’re brand new, is an amazing and exciting time. Congratulations and make sure that if you’re planning a babymoon you give yourself time to relax, refresh and re-energise in preparation for what’s to come!

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Janine Mergler

Janine Mergler is a veteran Queensland teacher, graduating from QUT with a BEd majoring in Social Sciences. After many years in the classroom, Janine moved on to academia. She has proudly trained new generations of teachers in her role as a lecturer at Queensland University of Technology Faculty of Education. She has also worked in the Queensland Government as an education specialist, developing education resources and delivering community awareness programs to help families conserve water. Currently she is the owner and editor of Families Magazine, a publication specifically targeted at parents who value a quality education for children.  Janine leads a team of professionals who write about family lifestyle, early childhood, schools and education information and family-friendly events.

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