ABC’s of Learning
A | Always being on time for school makes for a happy day. Set a morning routine |
B | Be prepared. Lunches, uniforms, library bags, swimming bags – this can be done the night before. |
C | Consistent messages (about behaviour expectations and learning expectations) ensure students feel safe, supported and happy at school. Discuss these with your child. |
D | Determined attitude leads to success. Ask, “What can you do?” |
E | Encouraging words build self-esteem. Use these every day. |
F | Food fuels the body. Give your children nutritious food every day. |
G | Growth mindset is the key to success. Instead of “I can’t”, say “I can’t do it yet!” |
H | Hands-on learning is exciting. Wonder at teachers’ creativity. |
I | Inviting children to play and talk, helps children develop friendships and positive relationships. Welcome friendships. |
J | Join the community of your school. It will be very rewarding! |
K | Knowledge is life-long learning. Ask, “What did you learn today?” |
L | Listen actively. Feed – back what you hear. |
M | Mistakes are a wonderful way to learn something new. Model learning from mistakes in front of your children. |
N | Nurturing excellence in your child is a pathway for successful learning. Comment on things done well. |
O | Organisation of pencil cases, lunch boxes, and school bags is an important skill. Build this skill at home! |
P | Persist from learning to read – to playing sport and everything in between. Tell your children stories about persistence. |
Q | Questions confirm my learning and direct me to my next step. Ask, “What do I need to do now?” |
R | Reading opens up the world. Read to your child every day. |
S | Smiling children equals happy children. Check your child’s smile meter. |
T | Teaching is a vocation that changes lives. A note of thanks does not go astray. |
U | Unions between school and parents ensures the best outcomes for children. Speak positively to your children about their school. |
V | Volunteering is a valuable way of being part of your community. Pop into your school’s office and see what you can do to help. |
W | Working collaboratively with families helps to form good community. Make friends in your school’s community. |
X | Xercise and involvement in team sport builds strong social skills and confidence. Join a club or team. |
Y | Young, curious minds provide engaging learning. Encourage curiosity. |
Z | ZZzzz Good sleep helps brains to process the day’s learning and prepare for tomorrow’s learning. Establish a bedtime routine. |
A contribution from St Bernard’s Catholic Primary School, Upper Mt Gravatt.
This article was published in Issue 20 of our print magazine, February/March 2017.