Number of Students: 1158
Why Choose Indooroopilly State High School?
Indooroopilly State High School holds an excellent reputation and holds traditions to foster student success. The school provides a high standard of academic and vocational education, nurturing the abilities of each student in a caring yet disciplined learning environment, to develop goals and individual pathways.
Indooroopilly State High School is governed by a School Council, which consists of eight members; The President of the Parents & Citizens’ Association, the Principal, two parent, staff and student members are elected.
The School Council’s purpose is to develop and improve student learning, by identifying needs that are guided by the broad strategic direction of the school.
Additional activities offered:
Indooroopilly State High School leads the way in The Arts and offers language courses in Spanish Immersion and Chinese Acceleration. Students are offered Maths and Engineering Acceleration Programs to complete over a four year plan.
Students have the ability to gain extra qualifications, such as the CISCO Certified Networking Associate course, and Aviation learning programs which provide students with the ability to qualify for a private pilot’s licence.
Under the Aerospace & Aviation program, students take part in the UAV Challenge, Rocketry Challenge and visit Aviation Australia Open Days.
Students that wish to study instrumental and vocal music can join several ensembles and groups:
- String Orchestra
- Concert Band
- Chamber Strings
- Brass Ensemble
- Big Band
- Symphonic Winds
- Percussion Ensemble
- Indooroopilly Voices
- Senior Vocal Ensemble
Additional lessons are available in brass, woodwind, strings and percussion instruments.
The English program at Indooroopilly State High School covers debating, public speaking (including Lions Youth of the Year), poetry, Brisbane Writers’ Festival workshops, Channel 9 newsreader competition, writing contests (based around course work) and International Competition and Assessment in Schools (ICAS) participation.
Other activities and programs offered by the school include:
- Accounting and Legal Studies Pathways Program
- ASX Sharemarket Game
- Bond University Mooting Competition
- Brookfield Show Fashion Competition
- Business Educators’ Association Queensland Accounting Competition
- Commonwealth Bank Foundation Start Smart program
- gURLS in I.T.
- Open Day – coffee venture
- Queensland University of Technology Girls in IT
- Queensland University of Technology Accounting in Schools Program
RNA Natural Fibres Calico Capers Design Competition - Timber and Working with Wood Show
- Try A Trade Bricklaying
- UN Day – coffee venture
- University of Southern Queensland Legal Studies Conference
- WoolmarkTM Wool 4 Skool Design Competition
- Youth Parliament
Sporting recreational activities include Lawn Bowls, Beach Volleyball and Archery, visits to Fitness First (part of Recreation Studies), visits to performance laboratories at Queensland’s Human Movement Department, trips to St Lucia Golf Course to work with professional golfers, AFL coaching programs, and the opportunity to attend the Women in Sport breakfasts hosted by the Brisbane City Council.
Sporting competitions include the Bert McAlpine Interschool Tennis Tournament, Badminton Tournament, Pierre de Coubertin Awards and Teacher versus Student matches in various sports.
A strong focus on the Spanish and Chinese language is studied at Indooroopilly State High School, with fruitful opportunities to reflect that, such as:
- Excellence for Chinese for Year 8 and 10 year levels
- Confucius Institute and CLTAQ Chinese Speaking Contest
- Immersion study tours
- Shanghai Cup Chinese Speaking Competition
- University of Queensland Chinese Writing Competition
- Modern Languages Teachers’ Association of Queensland Posters and Stories Competitions
- Modern Languages Teachers’ Association of Queensland Gold Coast Griffith University Spanish Speech Contest
- Spanish Language FIESTAS at Indooroopilly State High School
- Spanish Film Festival
- Language Perfect Online Competition
- Chinese food and cultural excursion
- Confucius Institute of Queensland Chinese Immersion Program
The school’s mathematics faculty offer competitions, challenges and groups, such as:
- Australian Mathematics Olympiad Committee – Enrichment Activities including the Mathematics Challenge (March)
- Australian Informatics Competition in Term 2 – highly placed students to participate in Computer Programming courses at UQ
- Year 8 Maths Quiz Team – interschool competition in Term 3
- Indooroopilly High hosts the annual district Mathematics Teams Challenge for Years 7 to 12 in Term 2
- QAMT Mathematics Problem Solving Competition in July
- Maths In Industry
- Australian Mathematics Competition
- International Competition and Assessment in Schools (ICAS) participation
- Maths tutoring for all students from 3:00 pm to 4:00 pm, every Monday
- Robotics Group
- Robocup Competition
A key annual event in Indooroopilly State High School is the United Nations Day; a multicultural celebration. This is an opportunity for students to dress in costume, perform, carry flags, participate in workshops and taste a wide range of global foods.
Other cultural events are celebrated:
- Chinese New Year
- United Nations Day
- Close the Gap Day
- Reconciliation Week (National Sorry Day)
- NAIDOC week
- Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander activities
An enriched science program is offered to students, opportunities include:
- A program STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics) for year 9 students at University of Queensland
- SPARQ_ed – for gifted Year 11 and 12 science students to work at the Princess Alexandra Hospital
- Peter Doherty Lecture Series at ISHS
- Biology Study, a 2 day field study at Hastings Point for Year 11 students
- Physics Dreamworld Study for Year 11 students
- Science Club, open to all students
- RACI Titration Competition held at University of Queensland and Queensland University of Technology
- RACI National Chemistry Quiz
- International Competition and Assessment in Schools (ICAS) participation
- Siemen’s Science Experience, a 3 day hands on science at the Australian National University for Year 10 students
- National Science Youth Forum, a 2 week vacation camp at the Australian National University for to Year 11 students
- E-biol Competition – On-line Biology Olympics, open to senior students
- National Science Week Activities at ISHS
Social Science activities include:
- Queensland History Teachers’ Association Essay Competition
- Brisbane Combined Schools ANZAC Day Ceremony
- National Geography Competition
- RBA Economics in Australia lecture
- Asia-Wise Competition
- Classics Department – University of Queensland Seminars for Senior Ancient History Students
- Youth Forum – Global Education
- Model United Nations Debating Seminars
- Queensland Geography Association Senior Seminar – Environmental Issues
- University of Queensland Economics Conference
- AMP/The Australian Economics Competition
- Discovering Democracy Activities
- Waterwise Home Challenge
Activities in The Arts includes:
- Creative Generation Awards for Excellence in Visual Art
- Creative Generation State Schools OnStage
- Queensland New Filmmaker Awards
- Australian Teachers of Media Awards
- Brisbane International Film Festival
- Bright Sparks Competition
- Brisbane Bands music competition
- MusicFest – part of our Instrumental Music Program
- Fanfare
- School Musical
- Student Theatre Company
- Dance Company
- Film Gala – Showcase of student work in Media and FTVnM
- Arts Critics’ Tour Interstate
- Senior Drama performance evenings
- Drama and Dance performance excursions each term
- Regional Showcase Awards
- Music Extension Performance Nights each Semester
- Senior Arts Journey – A showcase of student work in Years 10 – 12
- Junior Arts Journey – Presentation of work from Years 7 and 8 MADD and Year 9 Theatrical Movement Studies and Visual Media Technology and Music Open Day performances by Music, Media, Drama, Dance and Visual Art students
Facilities at Indooroopilly State High School:
Students at Indooroopilly State High School have the use of excellent schooling facilities:
- The Peter Doherty Theatre with a seating capacity of 200
- Assembly Hall with a seating capacity of 800
- Dance studio
- Film, Television and New Media suite
- 1:1 laptop program
- School wireless network coverage
- Flight simulator
- Industrial Technology workshops
- CISCO Networking Academy
- Resource Centre (Library)
- Sporting Fields
- Tennis Courts
Private high schools nearby:
If you are looking for other private high schools that are near Indooroopilly SHS, check out:
- Gregory Terrace
- Anglican Church Grammar School (Churchie)
- Brisbane Boys College
- Brisbane Grammar
- Brigidine College
- Brisbane Girls Grammar
- Mancel College
State high schools nearby:
- Brisbane State High School
- Kelvin Grove State College
- Fortitude Valley State College
For reviews of more schools across South-East Queensland, click here.