Are you considering enrolment for your child at Queensland Independent College? Read our parent fact sheet to help make an informed decision..
Why choose Queensland Independent College?
Queensland Independent College is a co-educational private primary school in Merrimac. This is a very unique learning environment – seven acres and small class sizes mean QIC students have specialised learning experiences in a relaxed environment. Independence and self-motivation is encouraged as is the development of a sense of respect for self, others and the environment.
This is the college of choice for your child if you feel they may benefit from an alternative educational delivery. Here you’ll find a different focus than you would at most mainstream schools – the perfect fit for a ‘square peg in a round hole’ kind of kid!
What sporting and co-curricular options are there at Queensland Independent College?
Within the classroom context, you’ll find a broad range of sporting options in line with its health and physical education program. Co-curricular activities at this establishment are dependent on student interest levels so this information may be best asked on school tour as the answer may change.
What are the public transport options to Queensland Independent College?
There are quite a few buses that frequent the area. Look for route numbers 758, 755, 3135, 3144, 3030, 3161 and 3016. These all stop within about 650 metres of the College.
What are the school fees per year?
This is the general tuition fee. Please note that there will be a variety of other charges and that there are discounts for subsequent children from the same family.
- Yearly tuition: $4000
What are the boarding options at Queensland Independent College?
There are no boarding options at this school.
Does this school offer scholarships and how do we apply?
Unfortunately, this school is not currently in the position to offer scholarships.
Phone the College at any time to enquire about booking a tour of the facilities or any other aspect of enrolment.