Queensland Academies Creative Industries Campus (QACI) opened its purpose-built facility in 2007. Co-located with the Queensland University of Technology (QUT), QACI learners develop university research skills and gain opportunities for real life industry experience and involvement across all industry sectors. Students enjoy the surrounding university environment with benefits such as access to QUT’s library resources to extend their higher-level learning.
QACI attracts a diverse range of students from a variety of high schools who share attributes and areas of interest. These students seek a rich and integrated academic curriculum and collaborative learning experiences to exchange ideas with others who hold different types of expertise.
Students flourish in a culture designed to foster creative and critical thinking, innovation and enterprise. Over time they become committed to developing as global citizens who see learning as a borderless opportunity to experience other cultures enhancing their own understanding and perspectives. Through the integrated IB Diploma curriculum and the range of Group 6 Arts subjects offered at QACI, students explore and discover their potential in the creative industries of Dance, Film, Design, Music, Theatre and Visual Arts.
To obtain the benefits of powerful learning that can be achieved through the Arts, Queensland Academies Creative Industries campus has developed a broad range of significant arts community and business relationships.
QACI students achieve outstanding academic results and consistently are offered entry into some of the most prestigious universities in the world.
QACI Extracurricular Opportunities
- QUT Institute of Health and Biomedical Innovation (IHBI)
- Creative Generation State Schools Onstage (CGEN)
- Language competitions
- Youth Dance Project
- Myriad High
- Model United Nations
- District sports
- Robotics
- Volunteering
- International study trips
QACI School Facilities
The school spans seven levels of a purpose-built building in the centre of the Kelvin Grove Urban Village and QUT precinct. Facilities include:
- Gallery 61
- Dance studio
- The Blue Goose café (refectory)
- Open-plan library with flexible learning spaces
- 350 seat theatre and two individual theatre studios
- Fully equipped science labs with research space and preparation lab
- Design technology prototype lab equipped with industry grade machinery and resources
- Specialised visual art and media rooms including a high-end film and broadcasting studio, music recording studio and double-height visual art gallery.
QACI IB Languages
The language classes include Spanish, French and Mandarin. Alternatively, students may apply to study one of the International Baccalaureate’s range of 55 languages (studied independently through Distance Education). Examples of previously studied languages include Korean, Japanese, Chinese, German and Russian.
Queensland Academies Creative Industries Enrolment
Queensland Academies Creative Industries offers enrolment into Year 10 for highly capable students who are successful in meeting the selective entry application process, to undertake the rigorous International Baccalaureate (IB) Diploma programme in Years 10–12.
Selective Entry Process
Students wishing to enter QACI are required to participate in the following selective entry process:
- Application for Enrolment: Complete the application form on the QACI website and pay the non-refundable application fee (qa.eq.edu.au/ apply)
- Entrance Test: All students must sit the Entrance Test. QACI can make arrangements for international, interstate and regional students to sit this test at a mutually agreed location
- Interview: Students present their abilities during an interview. For regional, overseas and inter-state students, interviews may be conducted via videoconference or teleconference depending on the facilities available or alternatively students may choose to travel to Brisbane/Gold Coast to present in person. Students are required to select a piece of their own work to discuss at interview that clearly demonstrates their learned practises.
- Offer of Enrolment: Offers will be made to students on the basis of their entrance test results, interview and academic records.
Is QACI right for your child?
If you have a child in primary or middle school who shows exceptional ability, focus, and drive, QACI could be the perfect place for them to complete their high school years.
The campus provides a rich learning environment for talented, high-achieving students in their high school years. Students at QACI enjoy premium world-class facilities and a support network that helps them to become independent critical thinkers, goal-oriented, and culturally aware, recognising their common humanity and shared guardianship of the planet. Graduates of QACI can anticipate access to many of the world’s most prestigious universities and take with them a lifelong love of learning and sense of purpose.
Find out more about QACI
- Phone: (07) 3552 9333
- Email: admin@qaci.eq.edu.au
- Address: 61 – 73 Musk Avenue, Kelvin Grove QLD 4059, Australia
- Visit the QACI website here