Why Choose MacGregor State High School?
MacGregor State High School is a school of enviable repute. The school is renowned for its scholarship where learning is aspirational, challenging and rewarding. With a dedicated staff and innovative curriculum the school strives for personal excellence. Their students are enveloped in opportunity in the academic, cultural and sporting facets of school life. MacGregor State High School has a firm commitment to social justice, promoting a sense of community spirit and connectedness. It is proud of its school community and the strength of diversity. It is a place in which challenge and choice create opportunities for each and all students to excel to be “The Best We Can Be”.
MacGregor State High School opened in 1969 with just 203 students and nine teachers. Today it is a thriving campus of around 1350 students and 170 staff. The school community draws on its members’ diverse backgrounds, experience and talent to forge success.
Independent public school
MacGregor State High School is an Independent Public School. Its ‘independence’ gives it more latitude in curriculum offerings, staffing configuration and funding disbursement, which is developed in consultation with parents, students and staff. This gives it the advantage of being able to attune the delivery of a world-class standard of scholarship to more closely match each student’s aptitude. The teachers are unrelenting in their pursuit of excellence, insisting that everyone can make progress in their learning.
The curriculum at MacGregor State High School has three key focus areas all underpinned by high standards, aspiration and opportunity: Academic: scholarship and enterprise with integrity and altruism; Cultural: appreciation, creativity and accomplishment in art, music, dance and drama; Sport: health and fitness; mental and physical resilience; fellowship and fair play. Its record speaks for itself. 1 in 5 OP eligible students receive an OP between 1 and 5, with 95% and 100% Queensland Tertiary Admission Centre applicants receiving placement while other students complete vocational traineeships.
MacGregor State High School’s vision
MacGregor State High School has collaboratively developed its vision, Leading Education Building Futures; it is future focussed and all decisions are underpinned by professionalism, collective intelligence, equity, engagement, student voice and social capital. It continues to be innovative in its practice while ensuring authentic progress is made by all students to live by its motto of “The Best We Can Be”.
Characteristics of the MacGregor Student Body
With an increasing number of students from the local State Schools of MacGregor, Robertson and Sunnybank Hills, MacGregor State high School celebrates the diversity of its student population. It offers Excellence Scholarships to students in the three areas of Academic, Cultural and Sports. In Junior Secondary the Honours class is a select entry program, with UQ, QUT and GU partnerships ensuring continuity in excellence in the Senior School. Approximately 35% of students have English as a second language at home and a small number of Indigenous students are members of the school community. The school provides specialist support through English immersion and its Special Education Program (SEP). The actions of students, both at school and in the public arena, are clearly defined by the school’s values of Respect, Integrity and Diversity.
Social Climate overview
- At MacGregor SHS the population includes people from over 60 cultural backgrounds, its strength is its diversity where compassion and respect is demonstrated in the school motto of “The Best We Can Be”.
- The school values classrooms that are high in challenge yet low in threat.
- Students are informed of high expectations in all areas such as attendance, punctuality, readiness for learning and presentation.
- The school continues to provide an extensive support network for students. The Clan program addresses a range of non-curriculum specific issues such as relationships, community awareness, cyber safety and career development.
- The school has support groups for each year level, which meet weekly to address students’ specific concerns and provide this information to relevant staff.
- These groups comprise a variety of staff such as the Guidance Officer, School Nurse, Chaplain, Head of Department International Programs, Head of Special Education (SEP), Youth Support Worker, Year Level Co-ordinator and Deputy Principals.
- The school pays particular attention to celebrating student diversity and success. The annual Multicultural Assembly continues to be a highlight of the year where students showcase their cultural heritage to fellow students, parents and students from our local primary schools.
- Each term the school continues to celebrate its achievements across the Academic, Cultural and Sporting fields through a variety of methods, online, face to face and social media.
Contact MacGregor State High School
Address: Blackwattle Street, MacGregor, QLD 4109
Website: Click here.
For Brisbane School Open Days – click here