Considering Middle Park State School? Here’s what prospective parents need to know.
Number of Students:
Why choose Middle Park State School?
The school has a strong parent community that provides support to staff, and a generous P&C that enables the school to constantly update its learning resources and facilities. The school is committed to providing an engaging learning environment for students and aims to ensure they receive a well-rounded education.
Middle Park State School is surrounded by trees and has expansive grounds and plenty of room for students to run and play.
What curriculum and extra-curricular is offered at Middle Park State School?
Middle Park State School has implemented the Australian Curriculum in Mathematics, English, Science and History. Students also study Technology, the Arts (including music), Health and Physical Education (HPE) and Study of Society and the Environment (SOSE).
In Years 4-6, students study Mandarin Chinese. They can continue this study at Centenary State High School.
All students have one 30-minute lesson per week with a specialist Classroom Music Teacher who guides them in the core musical components of beat, rhythm, pitch, tempo, dynamics, tone colour, texture, form and style.
Middle Park State School also has specialist teachers providing strings tuition for violin, viola, cello and double bass, and tuition on Concert Band instruments including woodwind, brass and percussion. There is a strong Choral Program with a wide repertoire of styles from traditional to modern.
The school also has a dance program that runs for the whole year. Students are selected at the beginning of the year through an audition process, and a qualified dance teacher conducts the program.
Middle Park State School also has a variety of other opportunities for students to engage in including Interschool sports, Arts Council performances, Science and Maths clubs, ICAS competitions, Knitting Club, Active School Travel and Swimming.
There are also school camps, excursions and incursions.
What are the facilities like at Middle Park State School?
All classrooms are air-conditioned and feature interactive whiteboards/projectors, computers, laptops and cameras. There is wireless connectivity throughout the school, laptops for each teacher and support from a computer technician, teacher aide and ICT teacher. Other specialised spaces include a computer lab, modern library, and instrumental and classroom music room.
Middle Park State School has sports fields, basketball and tennis courts, an indoor sports facility and a 25m swimming pool, as well as extensive grounds and lots of space for children to play.
The P&C provides services such as Outside School Hours Care, uniform shop and tuckshop.
Any other information?
Middle Park State School also provides English as a Second Language (ESL) support for students. The ESL teacher engages face-to-face, either individually or in small groups, to help students improve their English for academic demands.
Address: 27 Macfarlane St, Middle Park, Queensland Australia