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Triple P Positive Parenting Program | FREE help for parents


Have you done a Triple P Positive Parenting Program yet? More than 200,000 Queenslanders can’t be wrong! The University of Queensland’s Every Family project aims to improve the lives of children and families in a meaningful and measurable way by offering FREE Triple P Positive Parenting Programs to parents and carers in Ipswich, Moreton Bay and Toowoomba.

What is Triple P Parenting?

Triple P is one of the most effective evidence-based parenting programs in the world, backed by more than 35 years of ongoing research. Triple P gives parents simple and practical strategies to help them build healthy relationships, confidently manage their children’s behaviour and prevent problems developing, and the benefits can be dramatic and long-lasting. Triple P is currently used in more than 25 countries and has been shown to work across cultures, socio-economic groups and in many different family structures.

Developed by clinical psychologist Professor Matt Sanders and his colleagues at the University of Queensland (UQ), Triple P is designed to give parents the skills they need to raise confident, happy, and resilient children. Triple P doesn’t tell people how to parent. Rather, it gives parents strategies they can adapt to suit their own values, beliefs and needs.

“Children who grow up with positive parenting are more likely to develop the skills they need to do well at school, build friendships, and feel good about themselves … They are also much less likely to develop behavioural or emotional problems when they get older. Similarly, parents who use positive parenting skills feel more confident and competent about managing day-to-day family life. They are also less stressed, less depressed and have less conflict with their partners.” – Professor Matt Sanders, Triple P founder.

Matt Sanders Triple P Parenting
Matt Sanders, Triple P Parenting Program.

How does Triple P Parenting work?

The Triple P Positive Parenting Program focuses on 5 main principles that parents will learn when attending the programs.

Create a safe, interesting environment

Creating a safe, interesting environment is extremely important as children need to play and explore their world, so remove potential dangers from your home, teach basic safety and provide plenty of interesting things for kids to do.

A positive learning environment

Make sure to have a positive learning environment, like when your child comes to you for help or to talk, give them positive attention, even if only for a minute or so.

Use assertive discipline

Children do best in a predictable, stable environment so use assertive discipline to set clear rules and boundaries, follow through with appropriate consequences and encourage behaviour you like with praise.

Have realistic expectations

It’s important to remember that nobody, not children or adults, is perfect. Have realistic expectations of both yourself and your children and don’t expect your child to do more than they’re capable of.

Take care of yourself

And don’t forget to take care of yourself as a parent. You’ve got to look after your own needs too so make sure you’re getting some support, time with friends having fun and even have a little time to yourself every now and then.

The Triple P Parenting programs

Because all parents and families have different needs, Triple P has a range of programs on offer to get positive parenting help. From one-off seminars to ongoing courses, Triple P allows parents to choose which program is best for them and their family.

Are you a confident parent most of the time, but sometimes wish you had extra know-how to deal with those not so great moments? Triple P Seminars will help you deal with the most common challenges faced by parents. Do you have a child who melts down in the supermarket or a kid that always hits, bites and fights? Triple P Discussion Groups offer parents practical advice for tackling specific difficult behaviours like disobedience, aggression, public tantrums, and bedtime issues. If you’re looking for some more individualised assistance and have some more complicated issues with children where every day may feel like a battle, then Group Triple P will provide you with the support you need to manage your own situation.  

If you’re unable to attend a program in person, Triple P programs are available online 24/7.

What the experts say about the Triple P Program

“Triple P offers straight forward, sensible techniques that have proven to be very effective.” – Professor Fiona Stanley AC Telethon Institute for Child Health Research

“Triple P is a great program. To my mind, it is the best in the world at addressing the needs of the whole community. The different components are carefully tailored to the needs of a range of parents. The content is based on best scientific practice, and is accessible and fun. Above all, it has been proven in numerous controlled trials to be highly effective.” – Professor Stephen Scott CBE, Consultant Child and Adolescent Psychiatrist, National Specialist Team for Parenting and Antisocial Behaviour, Maudsley Hospital, London

Community Support Advocates PPP Parenting

“It [Triple P] was really well organised and it was very much needed in the community. It’s been well received by our clinicians and we’ve had good feedback from parents. Parenting groups can be really difficult and the most recent group was really chatty which was great to see … The participants felt really comfortable with the program and so did our staff … Our community needs programs like this offered locally as transport is difficult for parents here so I am glad we can offer this program” – Chloe Robinson, Clinical Care Coordinator, The Poppy Centre, Ipswich. Hosted 8 week group program.

“The best thing is the practical strategies. There really is some good skills parents can put in place as soon as they get home … Its [Triple P] relatable to everyday life and nothing feels too difficult or impossible to achieve … It [Triple P] normalising some of those hardships that all parents are going through and its making it all seem like not such a lonely battle… We don’t have a huge range of parental support out here so it’s great to have these programs come into the community.” – Louise, Childcare Worker, C&K Woodford. Hosted seminar series.

Feedback from parents about Triple P Parenting Courses

“I feel more confident in what I’m doing now. It sounds obvious but communication really is key. I would tell other parents to just stay positive and keep on trucking” – Brenton, Toowoomba. Triple P 8-week group program.

“I’ve really learnt that I need to think about how I talk to my kids because they’re learning how to talk from me. If I yell, they yell. I can’t be angry at them for a bad skill they learnt from me” – Kirsten, Deception Bay. Triple P Seminar series.

“These seminars were great. It filled me with confidence to know I am doing lots of things right and has also given me strategies to improve the things I’m struggling with” – Jessica, Clontarf. Triple P Seminar series.

“I’ve thoroughly enjoyed it. It’s given me an insight into how I can better myself as a parent … I think it’s a brilliant program for any parent, particularly those with little toddlers so you can learn the tips before they get bigger.” – Darlene, The Poppy Centre – Ipswich. Triple P 8-week group program.

How to get in touch with Triple P Parenting

To find out more about how the Triple P Positive Parenting Program can help your family, contact Every Family directly at:

E: everyfamily@uq.edu.au

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/UQEveryFamily/

Website: Click here

Photo of author

Joanne Crane

Joanne loves speaking directly to people of all ages through the medium of writing, sharing tips and knowledge for families and kids to help everyone get the most out of life. Her focus is on the development of resilience, confidence and independence in children, and on helping families engage and create lasting memories. Self-esteem, self-respect and self-worth are vital skills that Joanne believes children need to learn early to help them grow as adults.

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