School bag? Check. New shoes? Check. Contacted the books? Check. Documentation including birth certificate? Uhhh…
If your child is starting school for the first time OR they’re transferring to a new school, you’re going to need to go through a lot of paperwork. It can be stressful – things get lost or misfiled all the time. But there’s hope. The Registry of Births, Deaths and Marriages in Queensland have let us know that this process has been streamlined and made easy for parents just like you. So…
Here’s how to get a birth certificate in Queensland
First things first – get organised EARLY to avoid adding unnecessary stress to an already tense situation! Starting school is a huge life event so by dotting the I’s and crossing the T’s early you can guarantee that your energy can be put into supporting your budding student.
School enrolment processes are all different but all will require you to provide certain documentation – including a birth certificate. Many parents will be in the same boat as you so, in order to avoid the last-minute-pre-or-post-Christmas rush, it’s probably best that you start looking into the process now.
2016 saw more than 62,000 births registered in Queensland. During that time period, the RBDM issued 145,000 birth certificates! Each year, their peak time of demand is January. This is when the parents of students about to enter the school system realise that they’re missing a vital piece of the enrolment puzzle!
Why do schools require we show birth certificates?
Consider a birth certificate to be your child’s passport into the world. It’s their first identity document and the platform from which they’ll jump out into the world as an individual. Getting a job and a tax file number, getting a license, getting a passport for that first overseas trip or move – it all starts with that Queensland birth certificate.
Where do I get a birth certificate in Queensland?
You’ve got THREE options.
1) It’s possible to submit an application and pay ONLINE for a Queensland standard birth certificate to start the process. Go to
2) Or, if you’re inclined to head into Brisbane city, you can head to the Registry of Births, Deaths and Marriages at Level 32, 180 Ann Street. (But honestly, who has time? Start it online now, my friend!)
3) Or, you can travel to one of the state governments agents at a Queensland Magistrate Court or a Queensland Government Agent Program Office (QGAP). Follow this link to find one near you.
Do we need a certain type of birth certificate?
Firstly, your child’s birth must be registered before applying for the birth certificate. These are two separate processes.
You’ll need to make sure you choose a standard birth certificate. The commemorative ones are fancy and frameable but they cannot be used to prove your child’s identity.
The steps – how to get a birth certificate in Queensland
1. Complete the online form which will only take you ten minutes.
2. You can pay the application fee and any necessary postage online. All payments details are on
THEN you have two options:
3. You need to complete the process either in person or via post.
4. Remember you will need proof of ID documents that have been certified by a Justice of the Peace or someone who is similarly authorised.
5. Lastly, post these to the RBDM with your online receipt or pop in to the office or one of their agents yourself with original proof of ID.
That’s it! Easy!
Got questions about how to get a birth certificate?
Remember, you can get the information you need right here.
Still feeling a little unsure? Contact the RBDM by phone on 13 GOV (13 74 68) or you can send an email to
my 5 year old son has been registered . no form of top id though..passport etc. how do we get it without that??