What’s On in Brisbane for Families

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Stone Fish Traps of the Wellesley Islands | Queensland Museum

3 May, 2024 - 24 November, 2024

stone fish

WarningAboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples should be aware that the following pages may contain images and/or names of persons who have since passed away.

Be transported to the Wellesley Islands region in the Gulf of Carpentaria through NGURRUWARRA / DERNDERNYIN: Stone Fish Traps of the Wellesley Islands, a culturally significant and large-scale commissioned work of art that surveys ancient stories and relationships across the seas, lands and skies of Traditional Owner communities throughout the Wellesley Islands region.

Presented on a panoramic 20-metre-long by 2-metre-wide canvas, the artwork highlights stone-walled intertidal fish traps, which are central to Kaiadilt, Lardil, Yangkaal and Gangalidda culture, story and identity.

The title Ngurruwarra (Kayardilt language) / Derndernyin (Lardil language) translates as ‘stone fish traps’, which are a key element of material culture shared across the Wellesley Islands region and believed to be the largest aquaculture structures built by Aboriginal peoples and Torres Strait Islander peoples.

Multimedia elements complement the experience, including videos of artists working on Mornington Island and a restored 1982 recording of the late Kaiadilt Elder Dugal Goongarra telling the Crane, Seagull and Rock Cod story which includes details of how fish traps are built. 

The artwork was created collaboratively by ten Kaiadilt, Lardil and Gangalidda artists. Each artist painted multiple sections of the canvas, with artists negotiating with each other to ensure continuity of story across the canvas. Between them, the artists, are custodians of a deep-seated knowledge of Country.

This artwork was commissioned by the Australian Research Council Centre of Excellence for Australian Biodiversity and Heritage (CABAH) to celebrate the relationships between Traditional Owners and researchers working on Country.

The artists dedicate this artwork to the late brilliant Dibirdibi Elsie Gabori, who passed away after the work was completed. She is sorely missed.


3 May, 2024
24 November, 2024
Event Category:


Queensland Museum


Queensland Museum
Corner Grey Street and Melbourne Street
South Bank, Queensland 4101 Australia
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