If you are hosting a family friendly event you can add that to our calendar by clicking on the orange button below.
What’s On in Brisbane for Families
Families Magazine shares what’s on for families with kids of all ages across Brisbane, Ipswich, Gold Coast, Sunshine Coast and Toowoomba. In our ‘What’s On’ in Brisbane this weekend for families calendar you will find our team’s suggestions for weekday, weekend, night-time and school holiday events and activities. All our suggestions suit families and are kid friendly.
Movie screening: An Enchanted Ruby | Brisbane City
20 September @ 10:30 am - 12:15 pm
For hundreds of years, an enchanted world parallel to earth has existed, filled with hope and magic, ruled by a royal line of witches, who harnessed the magical power. When Ruby, a young witch discovers her long lost mother was abducted by evil forces she sets out to use all her magical powers to get her back. (2015) (98 min)
Bookings required. Phone Brisbane Square Library on 07 3403 4166 to reserve your place.