What’s On in Brisbane for Families
Families Magazine shares what’s on for families with kids of all ages across Brisbane, Ipswich, Gold Coast, Sunshine Coast and Toowoomba. In our ‘What’s On’ in Brisbane this weekend for families calendar you will find our team’s suggestions for weekday, weekend, night-time and school holiday events and activities. All our suggestions suit families and are kid friendly.
If you are hosting a family friendly event you can add that to our calendar by clicking on the link below.
If you are hosting an event you can add that to our calendar by clicking the link below.
Building Capacity for Lifelong Inclusion Event 2025
14 March - 15 March
Building Capacity for Lifelong Inclusion
2 Day CRU Event : Friday 14th & Saturday 15th March 2025
A 2 Day event where we will gather and connect people with disability, family members, friends, workers and allies to focus on what is possible for people with disability and their families.
As changes in our world continue to challenge how we navigate the path to achieving good lives for people with disability, it’s important that we come together to share real stories of what can be achieved. Sharing stories and examples that can span a lifetime; from young children to mature adults, stories that showcase the different ways people have built a good life in community and the contributions of others in building a rich and meaningful life.
We promise there will be inspiration, encouragement and stories illustrating hopeful possibilities; the chance to reflect on what gets in the way of a good life and what we need to do to claim and create a positive future; and time to connect with friends and the opportunity to meet new allies for change
Both days of the event will be structured to allow maximum immersion in the topics that interest you, and time for deeper connection with those around you:
– Morning welcome plenary
– Morning tea break
– Workshop stream
– Lunch break
– Workshop stream continued
– Afternoon plenary
For both Friday and Saturday of the event, participants will be asked to choose a workshop stream to participate in. Details of all the workshops are being confirmed, but you will be asked to nominate your preferred topic at registration checkout, and CRU will contact you via email with more details once the workshop details are complete.
Event Details:
Friday Workshops:
– Inclusive Education
– Employment
– Respectful Support
– Supported Decision Making
– Behaviour and Sensory Movement Differences – Part A
Saturday Workshops:
– Inclusive Education
– Customised Employment
– Home of Your Own
– Supported Decision Making
– Behaviour and Sensory and Movement Differences – Part B
– Friendships
We are also planning a Community Catch-Up social event on Friday night, and we hope you can join us.
Please see out CRU website for updates as Workshop Sessions and Presenters are confirmed.
When registering to attend, there are several options available, with Early Bird prices available, as well as discounts for Groups of 6 or more until 31st January 2025, and then full pricing applies.
– 2 Day Ticket (both days)
– 1 Day Ticket (Friday OR Saturday)
– Groups of 6 or more discounted ticket option
– Community Catch-Up ticket
For tickets and information please visit: Community Resource Website
We look forward to spending 2 exciting days together in March 2025.
Using Your NDIS Funding at CRU
For self-managing and plan-managed NDIS participants, see the Learning Objectives below. You can decide if this is a reasonable and necessary support to help you (or your family member) achieve their goals.
Learning Objectives:
When undertaken as training for people with disability, family members, carers or supporters, this event will deepen understanding and build capacity and skills to:
– Achieve long term outcomes of social, community and economic inclusion and participation on an equitable basis;
– Anticipate, plan for and manage life stages and transitions;
– Maximise independence, choice and control and community participation;
– Recognise, challenge and address impediments to the rights of individuals with disability to full inclusion and participation in the community, through advocacy and practical action.
When undertaken as training for family members, carers or supporters participants will:
-Learn about evidence-based strategies and long-terms outcomes for inclusive education;
– Build skills and capacity including through peer learning, to support children with disability to be included and build social connections in mainstream and community environment.
When undertaken as training for people with disability, family members, carers or supporters this workshop will:
– Build capacity to design, find and maintain employment in the open labour market, including self-employment;
– Build capacity, understanding and skill, including through peer learning, to support a person with disability to transition from school to employment or for adults to transition to new employment opportunities.
Supported Decision Making
When undertaken as training for people with disability, family members, carers or supporters this workshop will:
– Build capacity to support increased independence and life skills including lifelong learning through understanding and maximising supported, rather than substitute, decision making;
– Build capacity and skills, including through peer learning, to develop, or support others to develop life skills including decision-making, problem-solving and lifelong learning.
Behaviour and Sensory and Movement Differences
When undertaken as training for people with disability, family members, carers or supporters this workshop will:
– Build capacity and understanding of impacts of disability or differences on a person and their behaviour which, when not well understood and supported, are an impediment to social and community participation and living as independently as possible;
– Build capacity and skills, including through peer learning, to develop, or support others to develop life skills to support increased independence.
Home of Your Own
When undertaken as training for people with disability, family members, carers or supporters this workshop will:
– Build capacity and skill to design, find and maintain appropriate individualised home and living arrangement & supports;
– Develop capacity including through peer learning, drawing from the experiences of people with disability and families around transitioning to sustainable, innovative, individualised living arrangements and greater independence in the community.
Respectful Support
When undertaken as training for people with disability, family members, carers or supporters this workshop will:
– Build capacity and skill to recognise high quality formal support and utilise formal support in sustainable arrangements;
– Develop capacity including through peer learning, drawing from the experiences of people with disability and families, workers and coordinators around life transition points, life skills and greater independence in the community.
When undertaken as training for people with disability, family members, carers or supporters this workshop will:
– Develop capacity including through peer learning, drawing from the experiences of people with disability and families around building connections and relationships towards greater, lifelong independence in the community.
– Build capacity and life skills, or support others to build capacity and life skills to develop, sustain and improve relationships
About CRU:
For over 35 years, Community Resource Unit has been working across Queensland to help people with disability take control of their lives and take their place in their community.
This event is subsidised by the National Disability Insurance Agency through an Information, Linkages and Capacity Building (ILC) grant.
If cost is a barrier to attending, please contact CRU to discuss.